2021 Nominees
Sphere Media
- Drama Series: English Language
Transplant is a medical drama with a unique point of view. The series’ representation of Bash - a Muslim, Syrian refugee - as its central hero establishes it as the first ever Canadian one-hour drama with a Muslim lead. Premiering with 1.3 million viewers and closing out the season with 1.7 million, Transplant is the most-watched English-language series debut in Canada since 2017. It premiered stateside with 4 million viewers. Transplant drew in viewers and critics alike, with Bill Brioux calling the pilot “one of the best network opening episodes [he has] seen in a long time.” The LA Times praised the series’ originality and timeliness, stating that “Transplant’s unique perspective allows for it to tackle a number of plotlines that haven’t been seen before in the venerable medical drama genre, at least not in this way.”John Doyle at The Globe and Mail noted "Transplant aims high as a medical drama. [It] has its own fierce energy and voice. The series improves the medical genre."