2024 Nominees
Don't Come Back
RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana, Yuzu Production, INDYCA, Arpa FIlms, Arte
- Social Issues & Current Affairs
Moving away from the observational canons of the classic documentary, we favoured a "subjective" filmic construction by contaminating different visual materials (historical repertoires, personal cell phone footage, photographs and our own footage), with the constant guidance from the narrative voice used to give body and emotional depth. In our footage, the camera lens is always close to the protagonists, giving the viewer the perception of being intimate with them, maintaining a distance from the character and the action similar to that of the human eye, in a physical-perceptual continuity between the filmmakers and what they are filming. Our narrative alternates dramatic moments and lighter ones thanks to the access to the private and energetic world of this young generation of Iraqis. From this perspective, this story embodies a universal archetype: the design energy of young people, the strength of their resilience, and the power of communication even in extreme conditions.