2024 Nominees
Anna Caritas: The Damned (Les damnés)
Radio-Canada OHdio
- Podcast: Fiction
William Walker finally feels his life is returning to normal after the events of last year. When Anna Caritas College opens its doors for the new school year, he has no choice but to see Marianne Roberts again. But there's worse to come. Autumn always brings its share of new students and problems... And this year, it's evil that's taking hold at the school. If you play with fire too much, you get burned. Credits: Patrick Isabelle (Author), Sébastien Heppell (Producer), Marylise Aubry (Text Adaptation), Claudie Fortier St-Pierre (Production Assistant), Guy Charbonneau et Alexis Dufresne (Production Sound Mixers), Nadia Trudel (Production Trainee), Christine Beaudet (Project Manager), Annie Reeves (Internal Productions Director, Digital Audio), Isabel Tardif (Internal Productions Director, Digital Audio), Natacha Mercure (Senior Director, Digital Audio), Caroline Jamet (General Manager, Audio & Radio)