2021 Nominees
22 July
NRK, DR, SVT, Yle, RUV, Nordvision Fund
- Limited Series
The first episodes were watched by more than one million Norwegians and created a buzz in social media. The Danish newspaper Politiken gave it six out of six stars. Although it is based on something that happened in Norway, the characters’ dilemmas are universal. Sara Johnsen was awarded with Nordisk Film & TV Fond Prize for the script. The jury said: “The jury was blown away by the bravery on how to tell a story respectfully and still grasp its emotional core”. The series won the best tv-drama category and Sara and Pål won best script and best director during the Golden Screen Awards (a Norwegian TV award). The series was nominated for a Magnolia Award at Shanghai Television Festival, for a Golden Bird at Seoul International Drama Awards and for the International Panorama section at Series Mania. It won the TV Fiction category in Prix Europa.