EARLY BIRD: November 15, 2024

2022 Nominees

Could You Survive On The Breadline?

Lune Media, SBS TV, Screen Australia, Screen NSW


- Docuseries

Despite 27 years of continuous economic growth, over three million Australians – 13% of the population - live below the poverty line. For those on unemployment benefits, that can mean trying to survive on as little as $40 a day – before rent and utility bills. During this series we met with scores of individuals and families living on the breadline. Many felt frustration and anger that their voices were not being heard and that the people making policy decisions affecting their lives had no experience or understanding of the consequences of those decisions. “If only they could walk a mile in my shoes” was a common refrain. So we invited a politician, a journalist and a TV personality to do just that – and to meet those trying to make ends meet on meagre welfare payments. We hope their experiences will shed light on a neglected sector of the Australian population, and that the insights they gained will lead to positive changes in welfare policy and practice.