EARLY BIRD: November 15, 2024

2023 Nominees

True Story

Eagle Vision, Corus, History Channel


- History & Biography

September 30th, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, is a day of reflection and remembrance for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people across Canada. But how many Canadians know what they’re reflecting on? How can we have reconciliation without truth? Many Canadians know only the history they were taught in school, much of which is biased, bogus, and downright racist. The time has come for us to face our true history. But do we really want to face the truth of the relationship between Indigenous and settler Canadians when it’s so dark and daunting? True Story is a feature documentary that sheds light on the history of the relationship between Indigenous and settler people as told by Indigenous voices, based on oral histories that have been passed down for thousands of years. Reconciliation starts with the truth. If we are open to facing and learning from the past, together, we can begin the process of healing, and lead a future full of healing and hope.